Repeated House Dream

During a QHHT session, a client wanted to explore the meaning behind her repeated dreams about houses that had been happening for years.

In one dream, she found herself meticulously going through all the belongings she had in the house. However, everything seemed “dull” and “had no value” — nothing worth keeping.

In another dream, the house had an expansive, long hallway with doors leading to different rooms on both sides. At the end of the hallway, it was a door that was never closed properly. She always felt scared and hesitated to go through that door in her dream.

One common thing about all these dreams was that there was always a part of the house that seemed foreign to her even though it was supposed to be her own house.

The meaning behind these dreams surprised both of us when her higher-self revealed it. The houses and EVERYTHING in them were a metaphorical representation of her accumulated memories from countless lifetimes. As a soul who had been reincarnating to assist humanity for an incredibly long time, she had become deeply attached to her past lives.

Each room attached to the hallway leads to a different past life. The parts that felt foreign represented the memories that her conscious mind does not remember, while the familiar areas represented the memories she could recall from multiple past lives.

Her higher self kept telling her:”These memories were important when you lived them, but they are just ✨stories✨ now. You must learn to let go.” That’s why everything she found in the house seemed “dull. The partially opened door symbolized her potential escape from these memories — a mental doorway to an awareness of letting go. Her fear of passing through this door came from uncertainty about what would remain if she chose to let go.

In the end, her higher self told her to continue doing meditation practices, gradually detach from earthly attachments so that she could return to her home planet.🪐

That made me think a lot about myself after the session: Do I still have any old stories that don’t sere me anymore? Can I let go so that I can keep moving forward?


Book - Maybe You Should Talk to Someone


My Hypnosis Story